martes, 22 de marzo de 2016


Welcome to Roach motel

We serve all the meals real hot here

We drink fire, we shit yesterday's newspapers

We like you
but we wont walk you schoolthis morning

All the politicians and the majors are buried
with their asses outside the dirt
and the feces
we put our monocucles there inside their cracks

we have deleted the national day of cocaine
we got enterprises now

there is no real music
we got no pulse

this is no Mexico
this is no Buenos Aires
this is no kissy poopy fairyland
this is an outrage of a poem
this is dedicated to all the mountain viewers who like to snitch
their snoops inside the gut of the...

the last time we had a poem here we
kicked it out of town with a credit note for the dome
crystals of neverland

theres a ufo parked by the transparent blue soda fountain
Elvis is wiping off the shit coming out of his glitter pants
and Junior Wells is blowing green broken glass 
out of his blues harp and bloodraines
pouring down the nostrils

I gotta get out of here this inside bubbleburster
this hot dog reainstorm this steaming hairy dog steak 
got a ticket for a moonlight drive that cries in my shorts
every saturday night that tells me that my love in the blood mud
is looking for my skinny soul again

I was told by a beautiful alien that:
there will be a gape the day my ass is turned upside down
white a soap
 express mail is run at the pearly gates by a smoking caterpillar
nobody likes me but my mother's seven tail whip

End of tantrum. Print and copy. Send to headmaster.
Soup is hot
angels whineeeeee.....

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