miércoles, 17 de enero de 2024

January 16th, 2024

When I dont drink, the songs come, when I drink I dont care and the songs go to somebody elses head. And once you liked being drunk its like you are all the time drunk with or without drinking, so you stop caring. At least I can see it now that I dont have any money to buy beer, all I think is, I gotta listen to music, I gotta listen to everybody elses songs so Il know where I am, what Ive been doing and how good it is inside and outside. I cant quit smoking, but eventually I will have to quit drinking. My body and my wallet are desperately asking me to do it. Economy is asking me. My broken soul is demanding me an answer to all this psycho follie I am impersonating and that wont leave me alone and let me sleep right. I woke up today at 9 30 with my kidneys bursting up in pain. My left breast is swollen and it aches. Havent been able to buy the hypertension medication the fat doctor prescribed me. No money. Didnt pay my internet service either. They are going to cut me down soon. Not a good horizon but I still got the chance to do it better. Cross fingers.

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