Hey man, we artists are impressionable and sensitive and sensible human beings. The virus is a fucked up think but if you think you will catch it you will be wasting time as odds get narrower. Here in Buenos Aires there are 23 thousand contagions per day, we are the 4th place of amounts of daily contagions. You see? Argentina is always at the top of the gooodd things man. Obviously we are a people chosen by God, wich in this case would be like Maradona: fucked up and foul all over the place but interesting anyway. Dont panic. I think about the virus all the time. My cousin and his wife and his daiughter had it. My sister had it. They all recovered. Obviously they dont know where they got it but they got it. Oh, about the pills. If you have them, and a doctor gave them to you, take them. Thats what my psychiatrist told me she was the coolest girl ever. You are not cheating your emotions and nobody should convince you that taking a pill or two its wrong or weak. Dont feel sad, man! Imagine if you needed medication and you couldnt pay for it. Now THAT would be really shitty, it has happened to me but here in Argieland we have what in english should be practiced as universal healthcare. Hospitals are mostly free. They are crap, but they got my billiar calcule out and they didnt charge me a dime. Madhouses are free. obviously. Jailhouses are free. I've been on medication since I was 7 and i dont regret not one day of them all. It kept me sane and working and I have made many musics. A little help is no shame. Covid is the fucking unbitchiest thing ever. Lots of people are dying, like 400 a day. But dont worry we will get out of this one. You are young and musical and sensitive and you got your full sup´port from me and all the people at the groups of music we belong too. Dont despair. Dont panic, breath slowly and deeply... hey, you are japanese im not going to give you a reiki lesson But I understand you. Trust me, you are gonna be fine. Here, there is a curfew from 6 pm to 6 am, nobidy is allowed to get out but no-one gives a shit and nobody obeys. Its a fuckinf death-festival? Or a i-dont-give.a.shit.people-fest. I doesnt work that way so everybody is catching the virus. Fuck them. I try not to get out. I git fat as a whale, started drinking beer IN THE MORNING and my music fucking sucks. But I know its a phase. I try not to take buses, if I walk i go downtown just when all the people is gone. I have a ... mental health incapacity card wich gets me out of trouble, if a cop stops me y mumble like FUCKING CORNELIUS FROM PLANET OF THE APES (saw it as a child on tv in black and white tv, havent we all?), and the I keep going, walk the streets in the darkness, under the purple rainy sky. Hiroyuki, I got no friends. Nobody cares. Cities are crruel and unmerciful. All we have is ourselves and our art. Fuck the vaccine, this thing is here to stay for a while, I guess. Thats what happens when our presidents are more bysy building tanks and war drone instead of investing in public healthcare, But oh FUCK THEM. They know nothing. Take care of yuorself, mister. A big hug to you. Remember Tchaikovski when he said in his diary: We cant be happy, so be happy with the others' happiness? WELL, THATS NOT GONNA BE US.
martes, 25 de mayo de 2021
Hey man, we artists are impressionable and sensitive and sensible human beings. The virus is a fucked up think but if you think you will catch it you will be wasting time as odds get narrower. Here in Buenos Aires there are 23 thousand contagions per day, we are the 4th place of amounts of daily contagions. You see? Argentina is always at the top of the gooodd things man. Obviously we are a people chosen by God, wich in this case would be like Maradona: fucked up and foul all over the place but interesting anyway. Dont panic. I think about the virus all the time. My cousin and his wife and his daiughter had it. My sister had it. They all recovered. Obviously they dont know where they got it but they got it. Oh, about the pills. If you have them, and a doctor gave them to you, take them. Thats what my psychiatrist told me she was the coolest girl ever. You are not cheating your emotions and nobody should convince you that taking a pill or two its wrong or weak. Dont feel sad, man! Imagine if you needed medication and you couldnt pay for it. Now THAT would be really shitty, it has happened to me but here in Argieland we have what in english should be practiced as universal healthcare. Hospitals are mostly free. They are crap, but they got my billiar calcule out and they didnt charge me a dime. Madhouses are free. obviously. Jailhouses are free. I've been on medication since I was 7 and i dont regret not one day of them all. It kept me sane and working and I have made many musics. A little help is no shame. Covid is the fucking unbitchiest thing ever. Lots of people are dying, like 400 a day. But dont worry we will get out of this one. You are young and musical and sensitive and you got your full sup´port from me and all the people at the groups of music we belong too. Dont despair. Dont panic, breath slowly and deeply... hey, you are japanese im not going to give you a reiki lesson But I understand you. Trust me, you are gonna be fine. Here, there is a curfew from 6 pm to 6 am, nobidy is allowed to get out but no-one gives a shit and nobody obeys. Its a fuckinf death-festival? Or a i-dont-give.a.shit.people-fest. I doesnt work that way so everybody is catching the virus. Fuck them. I try not to get out. I git fat as a whale, started drinking beer IN THE MORNING and my music fucking sucks. But I know its a phase. I try not to take buses, if I walk i go downtown just when all the people is gone. I have a ... mental health incapacity card wich gets me out of trouble, if a cop stops me y mumble like FUCKING CORNELIUS FROM PLANET OF THE APES (saw it as a child on tv in black and white tv, havent we all?), and the I keep going, walk the streets in the darkness, under the purple rainy sky. Hiroyuki, I got no friends. Nobody cares. Cities are crruel and unmerciful. All we have is ourselves and our art. Fuck the vaccine, this thing is here to stay for a while, I guess. Thats what happens when our presidents are more bysy building tanks and war drone instead of investing in public healthcare, But oh FUCK THEM. They know nothing. Take care of yuorself, mister. A big hug to you. Remember Tchaikovski when he said in his diary: We cant be happy, so be happy with the others' happiness? WELL, THATS NOT GONNA BE US.
Te quieren mas muerto que vivo, pero al menos te van a querer.
Y a nosotros, ese mañana, de que nos sirve?
Hasta dar las gracias nos quitarán.
lunes, 24 de mayo de 2021
As I wait for the electric heater
to heat
as I wait for it to come and rescue me from
as I wait
for a miracle
I can hear that thing buzzing
plugged to a socket that its becoming carbonized after using it
15 times
but you dont say that in a poem, a poem must be perfect and short
10 celsius outside
12 inside
my mother used to beat up my father's polio legs
with a rolled-up magazine
and after they separated
my father didnt touch a woman never againb until he
died in the 2000's
is this about numbers my darling
time pases milliseconds after millisencods
and this thing in my chest by the right side of my heart grows
like the deep hate that I feel
about the mediocrity of my endless hours
endless shall I dare to say and sudden shall I soon die
there were the toys
then it was down here at my doorstep
the police beating up the niggers trying to sell fake
gold watches
I like them niggers
they dream like I dream
they dream big
they live big
they lose big
they travelled big distances
their freedom is big
and their fall will be big when the small times come
not to mention the cops
oh those tiny little blue pieces of turd
thats what you get for not going to college
a blues suit and a little dick and little gun
and i feel glad that the police are afraid of them
actually their are frightened by them
they envy them
they fear their guts and their endurance
they fear their inherent nobility and freedom
their balls and their big fists with big knuckles
oh, by the way
the water heater isnt working properly
why wouldnt it work nice just a little bit for me
look at this body look at my lungs look at the
necrosis at the side of my left yellow foot
i set it crushed under my thigh
I'm crawled up on my own beer cancer belly
the city sleeps and doesnt know about me and I barely know about them
or I do so want myself to believe I dont know nothing
about anybody
thats how you get to wake up in the morning for one more day
you pretend you idiot you
pretend you are not a timebomb
you say: its alright, I can take it for a little longer
the humiliation of poverty
the bad food and the bad tap water
burning your stomach and making you sick
I vomited six times this morning and now I feel peachy
I remember my gradma praying silently at night
in a mute letany - after she took her bra off and put her nightgown
and then the holes in the wall started appearing all over the house
walls painted a gentle brown
a peaceful hippie dream sand-like colour
we as a family started dripping blood and mental illness way before
we knew about incomplete cardboard happiness
we stood up against our luck
for a good thirty years
and after all we went thru
the bad winters, the easy to go money the broken toys
my father having a pills panic attack frozen in his single bed
telling me not to go to sleep
please dont go to sleep, join me up, he would say
stay with me
I was 5
it doesnt fuck you up after forty years of still
having it right in the center of the cornea of your soul
its empowering I say
my frozen toes and the incapacitating hate in my brain
early in the morning gunshots
the pandemic obligatory love-in
they can suck my fucking dick
I cant even remember the reason why three days ago
I wanted to be dead
and the lights are dim because of the heater's wattage intake
it actually sucks light, I say, it is draining me out, that little fucker
I got my mother's legs and my father's chicken heart
all those milicos that refuse to die have grandsons now
some of them rich
some of them poor
some of them
sixty somethings dating twenty something clean pussies
hidden under aliases
comunicating radar from radar
messages in codes and
how would you feel about it knowing it
holly shit, where is the hot water
cause something is cooking and it might be me
I may cook you
I live in an electric shithole
got a big chip on my shoulder
and got pretty lonely and safe for them all
sábado, 22 de mayo de 2021
Para Eugenia, 22 de mayo, 2021
Euge, se me caen las lagrimas
Que bueno sdaberte viva y contenta y con tus cosas y con tu sania mental y con tu propia compania. La ultima vez que supe de vos ahi por Serrano me decias de un proyecto con un amigo, una situacion sentimental y le recé a todos los dioses paganos, y te vi con tu familia en el pasto y vi rispideces y dije, algunas cosas no han cambiado y me equivoqué como siempre, como un fprro de mierda... estoy arrepentido de estos ultimos años en los qwue me vilifiqué por triosteza y angustia. Y vos sos buena mina, me diste compania y amistad y yo como un forro desde esta plataforma digital como un imbecil. te quiero mucho, gracias por darme asistencia, bah, cabida, en estos dias. Ojala me cuentes mas de tus cosas. Y me mandes fotos, pero boluda, no me mandes fotos de el cielo, colgada, hippie jajaja. Sos una figura benevolente, y te queria dar las gracias por eso.
Enviaste Hoy a las 11:59
Contá conmigo para lo quie sea. Aun sigo en contacto con M. Laura Billic y de vez en cuando con Leandro, que ahora se supone que sabe todo de la vida y es muy cruel conmigo, probablemente porque tiene cuatro propiedades con las cual comparse milangas y puré, pero bueno.... Lo resiento a ese pibe, la ultima vez que lo vi tuvo un brote y me tiro cuatro botellas de vino y deestrozo las paredes de su casa y apago la luz (posta) (wtf???)
Enviaste Hoy a las 12:02
pero de toda la gente que conoci en elo millenium, vos sos la unica que saliste a flote. Dolores, mi novia de encontes murio dee cancer de utero en el 2016, la vieja ni me dijo donde esta enterrada. La recuerdo sdiempre como esa persona amable y murrera que siempre queria un abrazo. Aparte de eso, sigo con mi vida: hacer musica sin parar ( el reloj del cuore, como decia Bukowski, no se le puede dar cuerda de vuelta cuando se para).
Enviaste Hoy a las 12:02
Siempre te recuerdo a vos y tu ramita que decias era tu varita mágica.
Enviaste Hoy a las 12:03
Tu departamento de Medrano. Las noches de festejo, los daikiris, vos editando en sony vegas en tu laptop con mucha paciencioa y cariño.
Enviaste Hoy a las 12:04
No recuerdo si me mencionaste que te iobas a cordoba pero si me mencionaste que te ibas cdon un novio afuera de buenos aires y que me lo contaras en palermo me llamo la atencion, y senti admiracion de como habias avanzado en tus convicciones, en tu relacion familiar, con tu vieja y con tu hernana. En ese momento me dije, aque envidia, la respetan!
Enviaste Hoy a las 12:08
Yop soy yo y no me puedo disculpar por eso. No tengo mayores contratiempos en saber que, snetimentalmente, familiarmente, soy medio como un cero a la izquierda: pago mis expensas de a poco. Aqui en Buenos Aires, y vos lo sabes opor haberte mudado, hace frio y el contacto con la naturaleza y el espiritu son solo lujos obcenos que los ignorantes consideran una diatriba inutil. Jaja, pobres tontos. Miran Netflix y estan en la cima de la montaña. Yo tiré a la basura mi televisor hace seis años, ebn un rapto de consecuencia. SWoy mas feliz de lo que podrioa haver sido con esas nimias distracciones.
Enviaste Hoy a las 12:08
Uno se persigna ante un dios pagano y sigue su camino, no es así?
miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2021
fer en el cyber 2001
miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2021
Buenos Aires, 5 de mayo, 2021, por la mañana.
martes, 4 de mayo de 2021
i spent like an hour dreaming of her
for three nights in a row
i could vividly remember, in my sleep
in my recalling
her tits
so young and fresh and pale white
nipples like rosebuds like drawn by Alberto Vargas
just like her pussy
so sweet and proud and very silly
one day she came
(after she came)
we were eating a pizza and I smashed the pizza against
the wall
the sauce stain is still there on my wall as a reminder of
that later day
when she told me
with a crooked infantile stupid smile
"I thought you were always funny"
she was always quoting the simpsons
she was always out with her other psycho teenage
and some boys too
she would flirt
and take drinks
and joke and eat and be happy
in a desperate way
she could have been, then, something more than just a
poor young lady whose daddy was dismissive of her
he didnt care
I cared
he had the good pizzas
I didnt
she overdosed on pills and weed
he ate ravioli by her sickness bed
I took her home
still dazed
and I waited
five years
and the second week she was gone I called her and just then
she giggled and joyfully
told me we were thru and that
that was that
and I said OK as long as you are happier than now
Im not gonna get in your way
I sneak on her facebook sometimes
I shouldnt but I do
and she has these pastors and these religious meeting banners
but she is not there
she is not there
definitely not with me some
older guy took her under his jesuschrist wing
and its kinda sad for me but I hope it is not for her
I bet she eats well now
protected by divine shields and laws
but i guess her ass doesnt take it as good as I had her
you used to weep
drunken butterfly witch bitch
gushing down the bottle of wine
pretending I was your father
as I gave you all from behind
sweet pink swollen asshole open like the Paraná river
my fingers inside of you
while you joked about how I would never
get any better than yours
I havent prayed for myself since I was ten years old
and tonight
Im gonna have me a hell of a muzzarella
All for myself
remembering that day I escorted you to the choir singing test
where you ended up in the 98th position for
a leading role in a cheap vocal ensamble who just
couldnt get it right after
the 19th take.