jueves, 18 de febrero de 2021


Hello boys and girls. Things here in Buenos Aires are getting tough. So I was thinking about not sending a message wich may result in giving the impression of begging but that seems what it is gonna be. Making music is both a joyful and hard way of spending time. The thing is that without the bills payed and no food on the plate, it is hard to have a clear mind to start a new record or even pay for the electricity bill to keep this computer running. See? I told you. Things, here at home are getting a little weird and the apartment monthly payments are super high (200 dollars a month), so I am not either in an economic condition to put this whole building on shape to even sell my own house to get out of here. So If you please, try to at least download a song or two so i can have a dollar on my Paypal account. Presently, I hace 15 dollar in my account and need 6 more dollars rto be able to complete de minimum trasaction admitted b Paypal to my very thin bank account. So, if you feel like you have enjoyed any of my music, I beg you (there it is) to buy a record, or any records you liked, for 1,50 dolars. I guess that the complete discography is like 24 dollars, so if you want them all, and maybe later just keep the records you like and delete the others, you can do that too. Theres no need to listen to all my stuff, since not every record is so great, yet they form a long time hard work saga and maybe you will have to keep them all in your hard drive so, If one day I am not among mortals playing and recording, you can say that AT LEAST THIS SORRY BASTARD TRIED REALLY HARD TO CONNECT with the most awesome gift given to us by God: music.There is a better place to play the game of love and resurrection, but our field of playing is just this tiny & humble place to play, like a sandlot of musical notes that come from nowhere, and thru our minds and hearts, then vanish into foreign ears.

Peace, love, empathy, music, and kind owrds of hope to you from your friend,


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